Highland Speedway 2025 Track Rules
- The number of cars and laps in a race, and the number of races will be determined by the number of cars present in each class. All race starting positions shall be determined as per individual track rules.
- ALTERNATES: When a car scheduled to run the feature is disabled, an alternate will be called. All cars behind the spot in which the disabled car was to start, will move up and the alternate will be placed on the rear of the field. Once the alternate has been called, disabled cars cannot run until the alternate list expires. ALTERNATES MUST REMAIN AT THEIR CARS, READY TO RACE.
- If a qualified car is unable to start the feature, the driver may switch to another car for the feature and start in the rear.
- If a competitor makes the original call, pulls out on to the track to attempt to start the feature and is unable to continue before taking the green, will be credited for attempting to start and will be paid points and money accordingly.
- Special events will be run as designated by the Association and Race Commottee when necessary.
- In the event of a turnover or an accident in which the track is blocked, or ambulance crews are on the track, the red flag may be displayed, and the race temporarily halted.
- A lap is considered complete when ALL the cars on the lead lap cross the finish line under green. If the race is stopped on the first lap before ALL the cars have crossed the finish line, it is a complete restart. In feature events a lap will be considered complete when the leader +3 cars on the lead lap cross the start/finish line. All cars involved in the stopping of the race will be put to the rear for the restart. If you stopped to avoid hitting another car without making contact, you will be given your spot back unless you are the only car that stopped.
- All other cars will be lined up in the order they last crossed the finish line, not necessarily in their actual position in the race. OFFICIALS DECISION IN STOPPING A RACE AND REALIGNING THE CARS WILL BE FINAL!
- Anyone CHARGED with two (2) cautions or two (2) unassisted yellow flags in a race will be removed from that race.
- HEAT RACES all cars must be staged (only) 2 races ahead. Once the gate is closed for the infield staging, you are late and WILL START IN THE REAR of your heat, BE ON TIME. FEATURES will have a 10-minute warning for the first if time allows, the rest must be ready as soon as the race in front of you takes the track. If the gate closes, you WILL START IN THE REAR, do not be late.
- PASSING POINTS are based on the original posted lineup. Example *If you are late and get sent to the rear, your passing point are calculated from your original starting position, not the rear. Example* If you jump the start and get sent back a row, your passing points are based on your original starting position, not the second row.
- The front row is given one (1) attempt to start. If they do not start even, the front row will be sent to the second row of the field. We will attempt the start 2 times after an accident; the 3rd time will be single file. After the original start, we will attempt to start a race 2 times, the 3rd time will be single file. After the original start, we will attempt to start a race 2 times; the 3rd time will be single file.
- Any car without full steering control of both front wheels will be black flagged from the race. If you are a hazard, you will be black flagged.
- If a car MUST be pushed twice in the same race, it will be disqualified from that race. Exemptions- Red flags, or spins to avoid. Please make sure your car starts properly. (Charge your battery)
- Any car with a flat tire, except the left front, will be black flagged from the race except on the last lap. You may not start or rejoin a race with a flat tire, except on the left front (except FWD cars).
- There is a 1 minute per lap limit. (An 8-lap heat should last no more than 8 minutes.) The track officials may impose time limits in the event of a long caution and/or many cautions.
- If the time limit expires under green flag conditions during a Feature, the Race will continue under green. If a caution occurs, before the checkered flag, 1 attempt will be made to go Green/White/Checkered. After 1 failed attempt, the race will go Green/White together. EXPIRES UNDER YELLOW FLAG: If the time limit expires under yellow flag conditions during ANY race, 1 attempt will be made to go Green/White/Checkered. After 1 failed attempt, the race will go Green/White together. All lapped cars will go to the tail on restarts.
- Restarts will be Delaware Double file for all races, besides the last 3 laps of the features, will be single file restarts. Delaware double file restarts- 2nd place chooses high or low, 3rd fills the void, 4th always starts on the inside of the following row. Micro’s will be single file always, and start at the cone, no passing before the cone.
- No one will be permitted to back out onto the racing surface while the green flag is displayed or while cars are about to receive the green flag to start or restart a race. STRICTLY ENFORCED. VIOLATORS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO FINISH THE RACE! If you need assistance for sheet metal, stay on the racing surface, an official will come to you. NO HOT PITS.
- Crew members Signaling to driver MUST be done away from the track fences and gates. Grandstands only. First two sections of box seats on each end are saved for crews. NO RADIOS, SIGNBOARDS OR LIGHTS PERMITTED.
- ALL classes are required to run raceceivers. Warriors not required, but recommended.
- All classes: Mufflers are Mandatory.
- All classes: No tire treatment permitted.
- No profanity or suggestive slogans permitted in paint scheme or graphics.
- Cars may race in only ONE (1) class at a single race event.
- Drivers are required to follow car and driver safety guidelines per UMP (or other sanction) rules. Micro’s must be 12 years of age to compete. Kidz Modz must be 8 years of age to compete.
- Any driver under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs will be disqualified and will lose all points accumulated for the year and be suspended for the remainder of the season.
- Drivers must use extreme caution when driving through the pits. Any driver that drives excessively fast and/or races through the pits will be asked to load his/her car and leave immediately!
- The driver is responsible for the pit crew. Pit crews should not go, under any circumstances, to another driver’s pits to complain about a situation that happened on the track or onto the racing surface. If your crew has a question, the driver should ask an official for assistance. Anyone in pit crew (driver, pit crew, owner, etc.) who leaves their car’s pit area to enter another car’s pit area will be asked to load their car and leave the premises. Driver will lose that night’s points and winnings. (See Code of Conduct)
- Winners crew, please wait until an official gives you the okay to enter the track for celebrations. We do not want any accidents.
- Highland Speedway will NOT issue refunds for general admission tickets. In the event of a rainout, general admission tickets will be honored at the next two (2) regular nights of racing only. Rain out passes will NOT be honored at any Special Events!
Highland Speedway is an UMP sanctioned track. All Late Model, Modified, Pro-Modified, and Factory Stock racers are required to join UMP in order to race. If you have not joined UMP, you will be given an application to fill out the first time you race. The second race you will be required to return the completed application and pay your fee before you are allowed on the track. You must show either your UMP card or a receipt for membership to race each night.
All cars are required to draw for starting position in the heats. You must race in your assigned heat.
Pill draw will open at 4:00pm and close at 5:30pm. You can call the speedway (618) 654-6656 and request a number drawn for you if you are running late.
All cars are required to have a number on the roof, passenger side, and driver’s side. In the case of duplicate car numbers, you will be assigned a letter. This letter must be placed on your car on the roof, passenger side and driver’s side.
IF there is a Season Championship event, all drivers will be required to draw for starting position in the heats. In the Feature, the top 10 in points will be guaranteed a starting spot in the feature.
IF YOU ARE REQUIRED TO WEIGH YOU MUST GO STRAIGHT TO THE SCALES! Cars that do not meet weight will be scored last for the event. Cars that do not weigh will be scored last for the event. Cars that leave the track without weighing will be scored last for the event – if you are required to weigh you must go to the scales before leaving the track. Late models- 2350#, Modified- 2400#, Pro-mods- 2400#, Micro’s- 750#, Street Stocks 3200#.
Tire samples may be taken at any time, from any car for testing.
The Highland Speedway reserves the right to refuse admittance to anyone.
Highland Speedway Fighting Policy:
First offense – The first time a person starts a fight, they would be banned from the Speedway one year from date of occurrence.
Second offense – The second time a person starts a fight, they would be banned from the Speedway for three years from date of this occurrence.
Third offense – The third time a person starts a fight they would be banned from the Speedway for life.
NOTE: Anyone returning to the Speedway during the time they are banned will be charged with criminal trespassing. The Speedway consists of the pits, the grandstand, the parking lot and the entire Lindendale Park.